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Importance of Milk in Our Diet

“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected” This has been quoted by T. Colin Campbell, an American Biochemist who specialises in the effect of nutrition on long-term health. Our daily diet should consist of various nutrients like calories, proteins, vitamins, fats, etc. You receive

Homogenized vs. Whole: Different or Same?

Difference in Homogenized Milk vs Whole Milk -

You may have heard or read these terms—Homogenised, Whole, skimmed, Pasteurised, many times while the supermarket shopping. What do these terms really mean? Staying ignorant while buying some products may lead to many problems, for example, you should always know whether to buy skimmed milk or whole milk or toned

Drinking Milk At Night During Diet?

Since the whole country has suddenly gone health and diet conscious, the questions like what to eat and what not to eat are very common. Milk which is the most common beverage in every household is in the limelight nowadays. Does it aid weight loss or weight gain? Read here

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