How butter assist you to lose weight?

Weight loss doesn't have any bond with exercises until you don't observe a proper food…

Preeti Sharma

The Perfect Refreshers: Lassi and Chaas

The craving for something sweet and cold after the lunch hours in the office is…

Amol Ghodke

5 Great Tips To Make Paneer Soft At Home

Who wouldn’t like to enjoy the taste of the softest paneer in their dishes?  The…

Amol Ghodke

7 Healthy reasons why you should add paneer to your diet

Paneer, as it is made from milk, contains many nutrients and thus has multiple benefits.…

Amol Ghodke

Low Fat Milk vs Whole Milk

Milk has been consumed for centuries now. Earlier, the milk consumed by humans was raw…

Amol Ghodke

Can Vegetarian Diet Include Milk?

“Are you veg or non-veg?” You must have encountered this question a number of times;…

Amol Ghodke

Buttermilk or Curd: Which One is Heavier For Stomach?

The summer is almost here. Choosing between the plethora of nutritional beverages is always a…

Amol Ghodke

Boiling Milk or The Nutrients In It?

India is ranked first in the consumption of milk. It also is a leading exporter…

Amol Ghodke

Should Your Toddler Switch to Low Fat Milk?

Nurturing a kid is a difficult task, but taking care of their eating habits is…

Amol Ghodke

How to Check Quality of Milk?

Today, the unorganised milk market is vast and still growing. Milk is the first thing,…

Amol Ghodke