Low Fat Milk vs Whole Milk

Milk has been consumed for centuries now. Earlier, the milk consumed by humans was raw milk. Raw milk is freshly milked from cows and consumed without undergoing any process. It contains harmful bacteria and thus, causes many problems after consumption. Taking this into consideration, milk started to undergo certain processes.

Can Vegetarian Diet Include Milk?

“Are you veg or non-veg?” You must have encountered this question a number of times; or maybe during a party, a person just declaring “I am veg, won’t be eating meat.” It is only in India that McDonald's will be opening a vegetarian only chain. Also, the recent Navratri saw

Boiling Milk or The Nutrients In It?

Boiling Milk - Boiling Milk with Nutrients Learn on MilkandMore.cp.in

India is ranked first in the consumption of milk. It also is a leading exporter of the beverage. Despite these facts, the consumers in this country are pretty ignorant about the most important daily nutrition source- dairy products. The basic information like how many times to boil milk or whether

Should Your Toddler Switch to Low Fat Milk?

Nurturing a kid is a difficult task, but taking care of their eating habits is tougher. We at MilkandMore understand that feeding all the right nutrients, daily, to your little one is the most important thing for you. The early years are the make or break in life. The ideal nutrients

How to Check Quality of Milk?

Today, the unorganised milk market is vast and still growing. Milk is the first thing, almost everyone in this country, consume in the morning. These loose products are very easy to adulterate. Generally, milk is adulterated with water or other chemicals like detergent, etc. In 2011, FSSAI conducted an extensive survey

Importance of Milk in Our Diet

“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected” This has been quoted by T. Colin Campbell, an American Biochemist who specialises in the effect of nutrition on long-term health. Our daily diet should consist of various nutrients like calories, proteins, vitamins, fats, etc. You receive

Homogenized vs. Whole: Different or Same?

Difference in Homogenized Milk vs Whole Milk - milkandmore.co.in

You may have heard or read these terms—Homogenised, Whole, skimmed, Pasteurised, many times while the supermarket shopping. What do these terms really mean? Staying ignorant while buying some products may lead to many problems, for example, you should always know whether to buy skimmed milk or whole milk or toned

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